
Visiting or having an event in Yola? Checkout the best hotels in Yola

DID YOU KNOW? The hospitality industry is one of the most thriving venture or business in the Adamawa state? Moving round town, hotels are literally major spotlights and more still on board…But the mind bugging question is, when it comes to efficient service delivery in a modern world; which hotel serves you best? Here is …

Visiting or having an event in Yola? Checkout the best hotels in Yola Read More »

5 “side hustles” that can fetch you cool cash in 2021!

1. Baking Business Baking is a thriving business in Nigeria. Cakes and pastries are things Nigerians can never get enough of. Every party from weddings to birthdays and graduations needs cakes or small chops. You can start this baking business right from your kitchen. You could start by making little cupcakes and small chops and …

5 “side hustles” that can fetch you cool cash in 2021! Read More »

Why most businesses in Northeastern Nigeria don’t survive beyond 6 Months

I have paid keen observation over the years, as a lot of people fantasize about venturing into business. You will hear them say something like, “I’m tired of working for my boss. I want to own my business, build a brand, and own my life”.  They start out with so much enthusiasm, along the line; …

Why most businesses in Northeastern Nigeria don’t survive beyond 6 Months Read More »

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